05 April 2015

'Frozen'Inspired Cupcakes

I had fun making these cupcakes, and the fact that I've never watched the movie 'Frozen' before, I hade some movie research to do! 

Here we have mismatched vanilla cupcakes with vanilla buttercream icing. I make my cake batter and icing from scratch- never ever pre-made.

Some may ask, "Why aren't there any frozen characters on the cupcakes?" The answer is simple- because you can get those kind of cupcakes from Walmart. I think it's safe to call myself an artist (of sorts), and slapping a picture on a cupcake isn't my flavor. I'm involved in the concept and aesthetics of the theme that sums up the point you're trying to make. The point we're trying to make here is, Disney's 'Frozen'. Does your mind see 'Frozen' when you see them?

('M' is the first initial of the little girl's name)

The ornaments are handmade from white chocolate- and yes, I made the snow flakes and pine trees by hand! It was quite a tedious project to make them look decent! 

I made blue sugar, for sprinkling, with a very simple process. 

I used shredded cocnut to simulate coarse snow by shredding it some more.

Of all cupcakes here, my absolute favorite is the one with trees on the hill!